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The Ancient City Of Synada

Synnada (Şuhut) antique city in the region of the East of the Central Aegean Şuhut is the distance from the city center of 29 URkm.dir. Opium is a very important city in terms of historical and present-day construction work in the district, especially in High Wycombe still remains.
The Neolithic age in the history of synnada extend Şuhut Hisar excavations works uncovered in Kepirtepe Höyüğü. In the Hittite period in the provinces of Afyon, Kütahya and reigned a Principality, which, depending on the Kingdom of Mira Kuvalya is known to be the capital of Synnada. In the District of Nordfriesland, in Şuhut is in theCounty. One of the few surviving from the old Bronze Age Hittite, Phrygian, Hellenic, Roman and Byzantine periods was a municipality in the District of Nordfriesland, in fact, is a large town in the central capital of Phrygia. Here Apemeia the period of full autonomous, such as Hellenic in Roman times was a semi-autonomous position; the name of the Emperor and in partnership with, silver Hieropolis cistophorus and bronze coins. Located on the poppy pictures of coins, poppy production is based on the periods up to that. To the present day among the ruins of the stadium and temples. Dating back to 3500 BC ' date in the Roman period has been the center of a capital and civilization. Today Şuhut, at the end of the Trojan wars, Thracian, Macedon and Ahiyalı Akomas from the area of the Union by 1180 Bc with the name "Synnada". In later years the Persians in Lydia, before the Synnada then enters under the rule. The Persians took refuge in Athens in 404 BC, the famous Commander Alkibiyedes today's Balçıkhisar Town located within the boundaries of "Melisse" died on the farm. In later years the Romans and Byzantines is known to enter the sovereignty. During the Byzantine era, the name is changed from "cfut" before "by çıfut", when the sovereignty of the Turks (1219) soldiers of Islam is found in the Gnostic to Sir vis "Sheikh Omar Şuhut.