Cesme, İzmir is a district to the West of the province. From the East, West and South from North to Karaburun, is surrounded by the Aegean Sea. The height is five meters above sea level. An area of 260 square kilometres. Population is 39243 as of 2014. Is one of the twelve Ionian colony in history.
District 13 elementary school, is written in 5 junior high schools; 247 student educated in schools, 4532 teacher. Health services 1 public hospital, 1 private hospital, 2 health care center, 1 Health House. In these institutions 27 doctor, 4 medical officer, 26 nurses and 28 e. Tourism economic structure in the Township. In terms of internal and external tourism centres of the country numbered Cesme, importance in tourism will increase in the coming years much more predictable. The first ancient Peninsula municipality in Ildir (Erythrai), is one of the historic attractions of the County's wealth.
According to Pausanias, Erythrai (Ildırı) was founded by the Cretans. BC 7. century tyrants by the Lydian domination on managed city 560 BC. The Persian domination until the freedom of the city by Alexander kavuşturulana. Quite beautiful stonework is surrounded by walls with. Archaeological studies in the city, BC 7. century 2. Temple of Athena and dated to half the Theatre were uncovered.
Cesme region, 11. at the end of the century the great Turkish Admiral Tzachas has met with the Turkish sovereignty. Tursite, 14. at the end of the century. One of the most striking is the Ottoman Castle, located here. In and around the fountain during excavations in Çeşme fortress resulting artifacts the Museum. In addition to the Castle.
According to the Ottoman census of 1893 years the number of people living in the fountain was 30702 [citation needed]. 88% of the population of Fountain on this date so 26826 people Were. It was 12% of the Turks.