Manyas Bird Of Paradise
All of the administrative province of Balikesir as bird Bandırma district is within the boundaries of the South of the sea of Marmara, Uludağ and with a depression between the Biga peninsula is located in the area. This breakdown base on bird and Lake Uluabat (Apolyont) Lakes and the area around these lakes, wide plains, high mountains and plateaus, while the edges. Extending in an East-West direction and 20 km length of the Lake., width is 2 URkm.dir.
Various comments have been made about the formation of the Lake. A. PHILIPPSON and e. LAHN Neogene in Bursa Gardner depression depression is a large freshwater lake in the area, occurring in Neogene break or Kuvanterner was a result of the transactions, this Lake area consists of 4 pieces small bathtub, the other two of the tub filled with silt (Bursa and Gönen) and report the birds and Lakes Uluabat is left. Whereas you MJ khambayat and his friends in connected to Pliocene Bursa Gardner Breakdown field starting in the Kuvanterner from the end of the terrestrial, while later in the locality of menderesli streams with silt deposits they carry of plugging is occurring as a result of the Ulubat and bird Lakes; both were typical of the Lake Lake suggests a alluvial set.
Bird Lake is eutrophic ecological aspects (plenty of gıdalı), limnolojik argilotrophic (clay), in a lot of ways, is a wetland. He is always blurred the water containing colloidal clay. Water sweet deepest lake, which is the average is 4 meters, the average depth of 1-2 meters.
The water level of the Lake varies according to the seasons. Spring Lake waters produced by enveloping the coast during the summer months is drawn back. This rhythmic event each year and repeated on a regular basis. Normal water level of the Lake is located in the neighborhood area of 16800 hectares.
Garcia, from the South, the rivers, the lakes and North from Scarface Kocaçay drainage area surface area of the Lake is fed with flow and precipitation. Discharges with the evaporation, irrigation waters and taken for the purpose of Southeast of Kardak moved from the Lake through the foot of water takes place in Susurluk river.